"Every child begins the world again."

-Henry David Thoreau
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, May 13, 2013


At 34 weeks 1 day little Everly decided that it was time to start working on getting out.  Momma is VERY happy about that!!!  Everly's movements have changed from slow rolls and kicks to stretching straight out and bearing down very hard on the ole cervix.  She is busy now trying to efface and soften the cervix in preparation for her arrival.  It is so amazing to have experienced this before and to  be in a place now where I know exactly what I am feeling and what is happening to baby and me.  Hopefully she will work hard for the next few weeks and get the cervix thin and soft so that she can make her way to station 0 by 37 weeks at which point momma plans to start walking and bouncing her way to dilating and trying all of the natural induction techniques that we did to get Lennon home to us 10 days early.  This rash is no joke and momma wants a safe, healthy, and EARLY baby Everly, so this rash can clear up.  For now, we are just cheering our princess on as she gets ready for game day!!!  Go, Evy, GO!!!

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