I can literally feel the drool drip down the sides of my mouth when I start to think about the cheesy, sausage-y, biscuit-y goodness of a McDonalds Sausage, Egg, and Cheese Biscuit. OMG. I die. I don't think I have ever "craved" one of these in all of my 33 (nearly) years. I finally caved in to this craving, this Saturday, and it was worth every last, teeny, tiny, saturated fat calorie!!! Each bite was like pure heaven in my pregnant mouth. I tried to offset the health factor (or lack thereof) by only getting the sandwich and ordering a plate of fruit and walnuts on the side. It helped with my conscience, but in all honesty, I really would have rather eaten 3 of these bad boys. I totally COULD HAVE eaten 3 of them. And If you ask Jason, he will confirm, I spoke about nothing else for the rest of the day. I lamented over the fact that there had to be a final bite and I reveled in the taste sensation that was this glorious meal. I reveled in it all the way up until I spent the entire evening sitting on the toilet. I don't know if it was the sandwich that did it, but I do know that I now associate the two events and my plan to eat one of these biscuits every Saturday morning until the cravings subsided no longer sounds good. Shit. No pun intended. Oh well. It's probably for the best anyway. I will say, that I am so happy to report that my cravings this pregnancy are ALL salty and NO sweet. That is a big change for me. I was on the sugar wagon with Miles and Lennon. In fact, the thought of most sweets is a bit nauseating. I don't think I have had ice cream since we found out I am pregnant.
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