Nana and Papa surprised the boys (and baby June Bug) with an early Christmas gift this afternoon!!! The Elf on the Shelf!!! This pregnant momma was so excited that Nana and Papa gave our growing Family the gift of years of tradition and great memories. Miles and Lennon really took a liking to the adorable little elf and even named him..... Charlie (after Miles' new favorite cartoon character Charlie Brown -- gotta love "It's Thanksgiving Charlie Brown). We already went online and registered Charlie with the North Pole so that he can start his watching, reporting, and mischief tonight!!! The whole concept of Elf on a Shelf is genius. Santa sends Elf Scouts out to the homes of all the little boys and girls in the world in order to keep an eye on whether or not they are being naughty or nice. Every night, after the kiddos go to bed, the Elf returns to the North Pole to report the days naughty or nice deeds to Santa. This is how Santa determines whether or not you have been good enough. The Elf also gets into a little mischief here and there and it is the kids job (upon waking) to find where the Elf has relocated and what little deed he has participated in. Pinterest is loaded with incredible ideas for this part of the tradition. One family's elf made elf sized pancakes while the kiddos slept. Another's went "Gold Fishing" and had strewn gold fish crackers in a trail leading to his newest location. Another decorated the house in an elf sized paper ring garland. We are so excited about getting started with this. This should prove to be loads of fun for all of us. We can't wait to add little June Bug to the tradition!!!
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