Well, I finally had to cave. The pre-pregnancy pants were being (discreetly) unbuttoned, too frequently, in public places. I found myself fantasizing about being at home lounging in my over-sized flannel pj's. The bump can no longer be contained and requires the oh so comfy feel of the spandex band of maternity pants. I have said it before and I will say it again..... they need to make ALL womens pants like this. Forget ever having to suffer through another "fat day". Bring the bloating on people. I have a band of spandex that stretches to accommodate any fluid retention that comes my way. And hey..... I can over eat a little here and there without the added discomfort of my jeans digging into my bloat. AWESOME!!! Here's a brilliant idea..... why not make the band part of the jeans for non-pregnant women out of spanx material so that you can benefit from a little shaping as well???? LOVE IT!!! Someone please invent this so I don't have to. I am just too darn tired. Anyhow, I got a couple of pairs of pants and a few shirts to get me through until the weather warms up again and I can live in oversized dresses and moo moos. If I am being honest, I actually kind of like bopping around in cozy maternity clothes, showing of my bigger than 10 week bump, and basking in the glow of pregnancy. For now. ;0)
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