Since I didn't get in to see my Midwife until I was 11 weeks pregnant, I opted to chart my own pregnancy weight gain beginning at 4 weeks. I figured she would love to have the weights from the weeks before our first appointment and she did!!! She also told me to just go ahead and keep using my scale, at home, to take my weight. I was so freaking happy!!! I don't know about anyone else, but I truly believe that the scales in doctors offices are of the devil. I have yet to set foot on one of those things that didn't put me at at least 10lbs. over what my scale reads at home. I have two home scales a digital one and a good old, nothing fancy, spring scale. These two scales measure within 2 to 3 lbs of each other and I like the numbers they give me. I swear they never recalibrate or readjust those doctor office scales. Anyhow, this pregnancy I have been making sure to eat as healthy as I can and getting a good amount of exercise. I want to make sure that I gain enough weight, and good quality weight for my health and for the baby's health. I am trying (TRYING) to avoid too much junk food and eating things for breakfast like an avocado with a deviled egg and a serving of yogurt. This isn't always easy when all I really want is a McDonalds Sausage Biscuit meal. I, of course, do cave in to some of my cravings, but I have been pretty good about limiting the junk food. Last night I was dying for a Chipotle Burrito, but I decided to go a little healthier and opted for the Chipotle Salad loaded with chicken and veggies!!! Still covered it in chipotle tabasco sauce!!! So yummy. Well, the hard work is paying off, and at the end of the first trimester my weight gain was a whopping 1lb.!!! The recommended weight gain for first trimester is 1-4lbs. I did lose a few pounds in the beginning when I started eating healthier and taking my workouts more seriously, but I am currently 1lb. over pre-pregnancy weight and really looking forward to the even bigger changes that are to come in the second trimester. Second trimester recommendation is 1-2lbs. per week as the baby is now starting to put on mass and weight!!! How cool!!! I will finally start to get that big, tight, round belly that is obvious pregnancy belly and not just "oh hey.... are you bloated?"!!! LOL!!!! We shall see if I can stay within the recommended 1-2lbs. per week. I had a few weeks in both of my first pregnancies where I put on 7-9lbs. which was -- well -- really kind of fantastical. I still have no idea how that happened. I remember having a really good laugh with Renee about it. She kept asking me.... "What the heck did you eat?????" Bwahahahahahahaha... "I ate a babe-ay!!!!!" Nom Nom.!!! LOL. The truth is, I grow GINORMO babies and some weeks they just plump up more than others. I am thinking that this pregnancy will be no different!!! Anyhow, momma and baby are doing very well and are very healthy. I am so proud of how well I have been taking care of the both of us!!!
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