Had our First Trimester Screening today!!! It was our first look at baby June Bug and he/she was so absolutely perfect. Dr. Samadi said the baby looks beautiful and that the nuchal fold is nice and thin. We got to see and hear his/her heart beating and we watched June bug really wriggle and move. He/she even had us a cracking up with several minutes of trying to get a thumb in the mouth. June bug isn't very coordinated or accurate yet and it was such a wonderful sight to see him/her trying to cram that little thumb in there and totally missing. Of course, it is too soon to tell for sure what the gender is, but the tech and I took a pretty close look and we both have the same suspicion. We will most likely know for sure this afternoon when Renee gets in touch with us to tell us the blood test results. We won't be revealing what we think it is or what the test results say just yet because we do plan on having a little gender reveal party!!! We are realy looking forward to that!!! One last big thing, we were given a new due date as the baby is measuring 13 weeks 1 day. This means that we are looking forward to baby making their arrival closer to the 17th of June rather than the 22. Works for us!!! All in all it was an incredible visit and we are so grateful for another beautiful First Trimester Screening and another healthy looking and sounding babe!!!
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