"Every child begins the world again."

-Henry David Thoreau
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Friday, October 26, 2012


You know this "alternative" birthing momma could not resist sitting down and watching the latest installment of the Business of Being Born vids.  Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein put together a sequel to this must see movie, in which they help answer a lot of questions that women had about things like homebirth, midwives, doulas, VBACs, etc.  Needless to say, I was a little excited about checking this movie out.  So I settled down to watch episode one and what do you suppose it was about????  OMG!!!  Only my dream  place to have a baby -- The Farm ---  and my idol Midwife Ina May Gaskin.  I die!!!  An entire hour long segment on The Farm, interviewing the pioneer midwife!!! It launched me into an other wordly level of excitement about experiencing a third home birth.  If all goes well, this third little one will also be born at home, in our bed, with the help of the amazing Renee Sicignano.  I guess I should probably call her and make an appointment.  LOL.  Anyhow, this segment also got me thinking about trying hypno-birthing this time around.  Now that I am a "seasoned veteran" (bwahahahahahahaha) of child birth I think I might actually be able to apply something as focused and inward as hypno-birthing.  There was no way that was ever gonna happen with my first, but I am thinking that it could be an option this time around.  Well, it's worth a shot, anyway.  Tonight we move on to segment number 2 and get to hear about several celebrity mom's different birth experiences.  Yippee.

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