I do. I really do. She kinda rocks my fuzzy, cream, knee high socks. So, we chatted today. She was over the moon about June Bug and about a third pregnancy. She assured me that this pregnancy would be easier than my last because I am nearly 2 years post-partum as compared to only 5 months post-partum. She also gave me a little insight into the concept of third labors/births being the wild card. She said that really just means that labor can get started and stop a few times before things really get going, which can be frustrating for moms who are ready to bring that little one home. So we scheduled our first pre-natal appointment for Monday December 3, 2012. That will put baby June Bug and I at 10 weeks pregnant and we should be able to hear a nice solid heartbeat by that time. I am really looking forward to climbing up on that exam table and seeing my old friend the fetal doppler!!! I do love listening to my babies tickers tick away. Between then and now, Renee told me to just enjoy the Thanksgiving Holiday, and to eat whatever my body feels like eating. Fortunately for me that means just about anything. LOL. I told her that for someone who doesn't suffer from morning sickness, that is a very dangerous permission to give. She said that our Christmas Holiday talk may be a little different. Bwahahahahahahaha. Lastly, we discussed my due date (June 22) and she was elated because she is a June Baby (June 7), as well. I told her that Jason's bday is June 6 and that he is pulling for an early arrival on his birthday. She said "no way -- the baby is coming on June 7"!!! Now they are competing for a baby birthday surprise!!! LOL. I'll take either day. Early is early is early!!! Both days are post full term and this momma will be more than happy to push little one home.
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