"Every child begins the world again."

-Henry David Thoreau
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, March 25, 2013


I am feeling oh so.... ouch!!!  Little Everly is really not so little and as she continues to grow she is putting more and more pressure on my already weakened uteran, cervical, and vaginal muscles and veins.  My pelvis feels like it has gone through world war three and we still have 13 weeks left to go.  Aye aye aye. I have developed some pretty nasty external and internal variscosities and In order to make it safely through the next 13 weeks, my Midwife has made it very clear that I am to get serious about taking it easy.  I have cut back on most of the work I have been doing, I no longer lift the boys, and I alternate between walking for circulation and resting to relieve the pressure of baby and gravity. I have changed out all of my supplements and have included a supplement for vein support.  I also got a special belly and groin support band, as well as compression stockings to help alleviate some of the pain and discomfort of the variscosities.  I am REALLY hoping that these next 13 weeks go by fast and that miss Everly decides to arrive earlier rather than later.  We will be full term come June 1 and she is more than welcome to make her appearance ANY day after that!!!!  The house, her nursery, and her family are ready and so excited for her arrival!!!

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