Two new developments... a sudden case of pregnancy insomnia (which only effects me at night -- I could snooze all day if I were allowed) and a growing deep DEEP love affair with Etsy. The question is.... which caused which. Everly and I have been staying up until the wee hours of the morning searching vendors and shops on Etsy for ANYTHING our little hearts desire. Mostly baby stuff, but some home goods, coffee mug cozies, and art work have found their way into the mix. I have always loved Etsy, but this has developed into a love affair deeper than may even be healthy. I really do wonder if my general love of Etsy grew into such a deep obsession that I have stopped sleeping, altogether, at night. Or if I slowly developed pregnancy insomnia naturally through hormone fluctuations and that to ease the long nights I have become addicted to my beloved Etsy. It was such a gradual shift that I really can't make a determination. Anyhow, little Everly kicks and rolls up a storm in momma's belly, while Daddy and Miles kick and roll up a storm in the bed next momma, and momma runs searches in Etsy for things like custom burp cloths, car seat canopies, and dress tutus. Oh Gawd!!! The dress tutus!!! TO. DIE. FOR.
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