"Every child begins the world again."

-Henry David Thoreau
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, January 31, 2013


I am in LOVE with the Etsy Vendor Holli!!! She creates the most darling art work for children and I have been drooling over her work.  We purchased 3 of her prints in 4x6 and they FINALLY arrived today!!!  We are so pleased with the art work that we having been SCOURING her other work to find a few more pieces to add to the room.  At $5 a pop, these beautiful prints can not be beat!!!


My home birth attire "tastes" become more and more specific with each birth.  With Miles I stopped off at Ross Dress for Less and picked up a knee length, t-shirt style, night-gown to labor and birth in.  With Lennon I splurged and purchased a maternity gown from the company Pretty Pushers.  It was lovely and had a tied up front that could be untied for whatever medical reasons.  THIS time I am salivating over the handmade Kaftans and Kimono Robes on Etsy. They are so perty and some of the vendors even offer matching slippers.  The Kimono's (like the one pictured) are great because they are just a robe that can be opened easily for immediate access. The kaftans do not open in the front, but neither did the gown I wore while in labor with Miles.  We made it work.  The biggest issue I am having is deciding between all of the beautiful options.  I still have some time and plan on waiting a little longer before making the purchase, but boy oh boy am I excited about this!!!


Well, the first twenty weeks FLEW by and we are now at the top of the mountain and looking at the downhill slope toward Everly's arrival.  It's likely that we have less than 20 weeks to go before we will meet our bug, especially considering the substantial cervical pressure that I am already feeling.  You never know what can happen, every baby is different, but we are fairly confident that she will arrive at least as early as her big brother Lennon (10 days).  I am REALLY pulling for 11 days early with a birth date of June 11, 2013.  That would make our children's birth dates (in order) 10/9, 2/10. and 6/11.  SO EASY TO REMEMBER!!!  LOL.  As excited as we are about finally meeting Everly, I am NOT looking forward to the growing discomfort that lies ahead in the coming weeks and months.  It is all a means to an end, but aye aye aye, it is going to be a very uncomfortable downhill ride.  For now, we will use these next 20 or so weeks to finish up remodeling, decorating the nursery, and enjoying some much needed sleep before we enter the Newborn phase!!!


20 weeks pregnant

Congrats! You almost reached the halfway point. Making it to 20 weeks probably feels pretty darn good. After all, your energy’s high and as long as your partner is up for it, things are probably happening between the sheets. Of course, it wouldn’t be pregnancy if you weren’t experiencing some annoying symptoms. Right now, it’s likely swelling, heartburn and leg cramps, but all of that probably feels insignificant now that you’ve got ultrasound photos of your rapidly developing baby. How cute is that nose? If you found out baby’s sex, you’re in a completely new mindset, are we right? Now, those baby names you’re throwing out are more likely to end up as baby’s, and when you find yourself in a baby store, those little blue or pink outfits aren’t just adorable, they’re must-haves. And since now you can add clothes and other boyish or girlish things to your wish list, week 20 is the time you probably want to start putting together your baby registry too. Happy shopping!
your baby's the size of a banana!
Baby weighs about 10.2 ounces and measures about 6.5 inches. She's still got a lot of growing to do though. Can you believe you're halfway done?

your baby at 20 weeks
  • She's got working taste buds.
  • Now, she's gulping down several ounces of amniotic fluid each day -- that's significantly more than before.

 pregnancy symptoms at 20 weeks

 your must-do's
 your nice-to-do's
  • Reveal baby's sex (if you're finding out)
  • Celebrate -- you're halfway done!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Our third appointment came and went (without incident) and we only have 10 more to go!!! LOL.  We actually only have 2 more monthly appointments left before we start our bi-monthly visits.  I love having a chance to visit with Renee more than once a month and I really love when I get to see her once a week.  Our 19 week appointment was smooth, smooth, smooth.  Nothing at all to report.  She did mention wearing a belly support band from here on out in order to help support the muscles and ligaments in my belly while I lift and take care of the boys.  I plan on getting on that.... I was planning on wearing one this whole time.  I haven't.  It's just not THAT comfy.  But..... I will.  We also chatted about the placenta previa and the fact that my placenta is also anterior.  That just means that my placenta is on the front of my uterus and that Everly's kicks and jabs may not feel as pronounced because she has the placenta as a punching bag.  Truth be told, I haven't noticed a decrease in the intensity.... she feels good and jabby!!!  Even daddy can feel her kicks.  I do plan on doing a little research to see if anterior placenta's are associated, at all, with back labor.  Just curious.  I'd like to know if I have a greater chance of being in even more excruciating pain.  LOL!!!  Let's see, what else.  Oh yes, lucky me, I do not have gonorrhea or chlamydia.  Big surprise there!!!  LOL.  My weight gain is great.  I put on the recommended 1lb. per week and am up 4lbs. since my last visit.  That puts me at a 9lb. weight gain (4lbs. if you only go by my pre-preg weight before I lost the initial 5lbs.) to date.  Renee was very pleased and we can expect another pound per week from here on out.  Holy cow.... that's 21lbs. more!!!  That's a lot of fluid and baby!!!

Saturday, January 26, 2013


In trying to keep the nursery looking similar to the inspiration nursery by Lay Baby Lay, I decided to create some art work in photoshop. I went with inspiring phrases/sayings and picked up several gold frames from the home Goods store to create an elegant finished look. We have more art to create still and we will be including several black and white photos of the Everly bump and pics of her after she is born. It should look really cute and sophisticated!!!


We finished putting up and caulking the crown moulding, built the beautiful black Jenny Lind crib, and removed the yucky old ceiling fan and replaced it with a gorgeous crystal done light!!! It's coming along slowly but surely,

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


We have started working on little Everly's bedroom!!! We started by clearing everything out and painting her room a gorgeous mint/ aqua color called "serendipity". The color turned out to be more beautiful than we imagined and it literally GLOWS in the morning sunlight. We have already started envisioning rocking our baby girl in that morning light and snuggling her!!! Here's some pics of the before and after paint. We are working on putting up the crown moulding and removing the pre-existing fan/light and replacing it with a crystal dome light. The crib arrived today and momma just finished building it and it will go in the room as soon daddy finishes the light. We will take pics and post soon!!!

Sunday, January 20, 2013


Just thought I would elaborate, in a separate post, on Dr. Samadi's diagnose of my partial placenta previa.  As you can see in the picture, there a three types of previa.  I have the middle one, partial placenta previa, although my placenta is not covering the cervix quite that much.  My placenta is somewhere between partial and low lying.  This is VERY good news, as it means that as my uterus grows up and out, the placenta will move up with it.  The likelyhood that this will result in fixed previa and c-section is virually nil.  The other really good news is that I have not experienced any of the bleeding that can be associated with placenta previa, but I am still taking it easy and have quit ALL exercising for the time being.  We have an appointment with Dr. Samadi at 22 weeks to check on the status of the previa and to see Everly's heart anatomy.  I will update for sure.


Two new developments...  a sudden case of pregnancy insomnia (which only effects me at night -- I could snooze all day if I were allowed) and a growing deep DEEP love affair with Etsy.  The question is.... which caused which.  Everly and I have been staying up until the wee hours of the morning searching vendors and shops on Etsy for ANYTHING our little hearts desire.  Mostly baby stuff, but some home goods, coffee mug cozies, and art work have found their way into the mix.  I have always loved Etsy, but this has developed into a love affair deeper than may even be healthy.  I really do wonder if my general love of Etsy grew into such a deep obsession that I have stopped sleeping, altogether, at night.  Or if I slowly developed pregnancy insomnia naturally through hormone fluctuations and that to ease the long nights I have become addicted to my beloved Etsy.  It was such a gradual shift that I really can't make a determination.  Anyhow, little Everly kicks and rolls up a storm in momma's belly, while Daddy and Miles kick and roll up a storm in the bed next momma, and momma runs searches in Etsy for things like custom burp cloths, car seat canopies, and dress tutus.  Oh Gawd!!!  The dress tutus!!!  TO. DIE. FOR.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


How much we love our little bug???  We can barely contain our excitement about growing Everly Wynn and about the fact that she is going to turn this foursome into a fivesome!!!  Love you little girl!!!









Here are a few images taken from the internet that resemble the pieces of furniture and ideas that we are implementing in the nursery.  The first picture gave us the idea of hanging towel rods from the ceiling over each armoir, on either side of one of the windows, as a means to hang Everly's tutus.  We are excited about finding a fun and decorative way to hang them, without using up any precious closet space!!!  The next picture is the paint color we have chosen for the walls..... Olympic One - Serendipity (A61-2).  It's a gorgeous aqua with a hint of mint green.  It's so lovely. The next picture is a damask rug VERY similar to the one we already have and will be using.  The next picture is the arm of a burlap covered chair.  We plan to reupholster one of our captains rocking chair with burlap and throw a soft yellow or pink toile patterned runner over the seat and back for a little more softness.  The next picture is what we hope our current nursery dresser/changing table will look like once we get done painting it and switching out the knobs.  The next picture is of the Black Jenny Lind Crib that we are purchasing and the final picture is the Lamb's and Ivy Little Princess bedding set that we purchased.  I will post some more pictures in another update that will include even more tidbits!!!

We saw Dr. Samadi, again, today!!! He is our go to Doc for all things ultrasounds and perinatology.  We got to take another look at our growing little girl, and Everly is looking beautiful and healthy and she is moving like nobodies business.  She is weighing in at 8oz , which is about 3 oz. over the average, but we are not surprised by that at all.  Our babies are big, big, big!!!  Looks like she will take after her brothers!!!  She was still nice and cozied up against my placenta and did not want to give us a good look at her precious little face.  She finally cooperated and we were so excited to see that she has a VERY similar profile to her brothers.  Looks like little Everly Wynn is going to resemble the rest of the Koiter children!!! That means cute AND beautiful!!!  Of course, we already knew that. (wink wink).  Her heart and brain look great, she has all of her fingers and very long toes, she had the most adorable little heart shaped booty, and she is still rocking the precious little button nose.  There was one spot of bad news, although minor.  The placenta is partially covering my cervix, which means I have mild placenta previa, but Dr. Samadi is confident that, as my uterus grows in the next few weeks, the placenta will move up and off of my cervix.  I have been advised against all hanky panky and exercise until our next appointment and I will be taking it very easy in order to avoid placental abruption.  We are not too concerned about this and foresee everything going very smoothly.  We are, however, more than prepared to accept the fact that if the placenta does not move we will have to have a csection in order to bring Baby Everly home safe and sound!!!

Monday, January 14, 2013


Try not to get freaked out by the numbers on your scale. At 17 weeks, baby’s working on getting stronger, and your body’s working on getting bigger. That means putting on some pounds and -- we hate to break it to you -- getting some stretch marks. Make sure you document your growing bump by taking lots of photos. Sure, you might not always feel so pretty, but one day you’re going to look back at pregnancy and reminisce (really -- we promise). You’ll also want to start figuring out some plans, like whether or not you’re going to find out baby’s gender (you should be able to soon!), and what kind of childbirth class you’d like to take. As you start making these decisions, the pregnancy will feel even more real, which is probably super exciting, but part of you is probably feeling a little nervous. After all, you’re at week 17; that’s almost halfway there and there’s still a lot left to do. Chill! You’ll get it done. Just remember not to try to do it all yourself -- ask for help!
your baby's the size of an onion!
Baby continues to beef up. Now she's about 5.1 inches long and weighs about 5.9 ounces.

your baby at 17 weeks
  • Her rubbery cartilage is now turning to bone.
  • And she's growing some meat on those bones -- putting on some fat.
  • She's growing a stronger, thicker umbilical cord, too.

 pregnancy symptoms at 17 weeks
  • Vaginal discharge, sweat, mucus and more bodily fluids. They're in full force, because of your increased blood flow.
  • Weird dreams. This might be hormonal, but it might also be the result of your nerves and anticipation.
  • Itchy boobs and bump -- as they're growing, your skin is stretching thinner.
  • Rapid weight gain. You've probably gained about five to 10 pounds by now.

 your must-do's
 your nice-to-do's